What Happened to CA Armageddon?

What Happened to CA Armageddon?

John Seiler:

I haven’t noticed the earth quaking. Or thousands of Californians being washed out to drown in the Pacific Ocean, the way Japanese were after their recent earthquake-tsunami.

But just a couple of weeks ago Gov. Jerry Brown was demanding that, if his $12 billion in tax increases wasn’t put before voters in June, California would suffer disaster.

Here’s government cheerleader/tax obsessive/columnist George Skelton writing on March 10:

Gov. Jerry Brown has a scenario for what happens if Republicans refuse to place his tax proposal on a June ballot: California becomes Armageddon.

That’s my word, not his. His characterization is uttered first in Latin, then translated: “It’ll be a war of all against all.”

Well, here we are and I haven’t noticed even one Californian fighting a war against me, let alone “all” 37 million Californians.

The dirty little secret government functionaries like Brown and their hangers-on like Skelton won’t tell you is this: Government apparachiks can’t survive without us, but we can survive quite nicely without them.

It’s the taxpayers who are the host for the parasite government. Without us, they would shrivel and die.

But if we get rid of the government, we would feel as good as a man ridding himself of a tapeworm.

There is nothing government does that couldn’t be done better — and much, much cheaper — by the private sector: schools, firefighting, water, charity for the poor (which the government brands “welfare”), health care, even police protection.

Without government, we would all be as happy as the Beach Boys singing “Good Vibrations”:

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ArmageddonBeach BoysbudgetJerry BrownJohn Seiler

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