White Christmas v. "Warming"

White Christmas v. "Warming"

John Seiler:

Santa Claus brought a lot of presents this year. One of the best: more strong proof that there’s no “global warming,” but global cooling.

This comes as California prepares to destroy its economy with AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.

Here’s a report from South Carolina:

The white Christmas in the South was one for the record books. Columbia,S.C., had its first significant Christmas snow since weather records were first kept in 1887. Atlanta had just over an inch of snow—the first measurable accumulation on Christmas Day since the 1880s.

At least Gov. Arnold Schwarzenmendacity, the global “warming” hoax’s biggest propagandist in this state, finally will be gone from office in a week after spending seven brutal years terminating California.

Dec. 26, 2010

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